Business to be transacted
1. To receive nominations for and to elect a chair of the committee for the 2022-2023 civic year.
2. To receive nominations for and to elect a vice-chair of the committee for the 2022-2023 civic year.
3. To receive apologies for absence
4. To note declarations of Members’ Interests
5. To receive, confirm and resolve to agree the minutes of the Planning, Infrastructure and Highways Committee meetings held on the Monday, 7th March 2022.
(Circulated and available on the website.)
6. Public Participation.
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments. (No individual to speak for more than 2 minutes without the permission of the chairman).
7. Matters Arising: Information only –
To receive any updates on items not covered elsewhere on the agenda but not needing further actions at present.
8. Terms of Reference.
To consider and review the Terms of Reference for the Committee and to agree any amendments for recommendation to Full Council. (Circulated separately.)
9. To receive a budget update for the committee.
To receive a budget review for the committee for the 2022-2023 financial year.
10. To receive a list of current projects for the committee. To discuss and agree a plan.
A list of all current and planned projects to be reviewed to allow prioritisation.
11. Community Speed watch –To receive an update from the Clerk on the Community Speed Watch project with Safer Roads Staffordshire:
a. Newchapel Group.
b. Talke Group and Butt Lane Group
c. Other Speedwatch issues
12. SIDS: To receive an update report from the Clerk and to agree any further actions.
To receive a general update and to receive and consider a quote from EON for the progression of SID on Mount Rd.
13. Neighbourhood Plan: To receive an update and:
a. To agree membership of the group.
b. To agree the chair and vice-chair for the group.
c. To receive an update on the questionnaire circulated to residents in May and to agree any actions.
14. CCTV provision: To receive an update report from the Clerk and to resolve to agree any recommendations or otherwise.
15. Planning Applications Received: To consider and agree a Town Council response, if any, to planning applications.
(Circulated separately.)