
Agenda – Full Council – 29th June 2022

AgendasFull Council Agendas Uploaded on June 24, 2022

Business to be transacted.

1.       Apologies for Absence:

To receive apologies from absence. Note apologies must be sent to the Proper Officer before the start of the meeting.

2.       Declarations of Interest:

To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and pecuniary interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.

3.       Public Participation:

A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.

4.       To receive and resolve to approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 16th of June 2022.

Draft minutes circulated with the agenda and available on the website.

5.       Committee Membership

Due to an error in the circulated list at the Annual Meeting, to receive and ratify the correct list. (Appendix 1) Note – This list also includes chairs and vices that have been agreed at committee meetings since the Annual Meeting.

6. Audits 2021-2022

a.      To receive and agree actions from the completed internal audit for 2021-2022. (See appendix 2) Note – the interim audit has already been reported at F&GP at the April 2022 meeting and the actions require ratification by Full Council.  (Appendix 3)

b.      To consider and to resolve to approve the Annual Governance Return 2021-2022. (Appendix 4)

c.       To resolve to approve the Accounting Statements 2021-2022. (Appendix 5)

7.       To resolve to approve the recommendation of the Finance and General Purposes Committee to approve the revised grant application policy.

The policy is shown in appendix 6. Changes from the previous version are to cap grants at £1000 maximum except if exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated.

8.       To agree to defer all other council standing items to a subsequent meeting.

9.       To receive any Mayor’s items, Clerk’s reports and correspondence received.

10.   To agree the date and time of the next meeting: Thursday, 21st July (if required) otherwise