

The office of Mayor continues to have a central part to play within modern Councils. It is a role steeped in tradition and ceremony. The Mayor connects the present day with history and acts as a symbol of continuity.

In Kidsgrove, the Mayor represents the Council and its area with the insignia of chains of office. The Mayor undertakes many engagements which act as a link between the various groups and organisations in the town. The Mayor can share the views and concerns of the community with the Council and can also take the Council’s message out into the community and work towards achieving the Council’s aims.

The Mayor has two distinct roles:


The Mayor is the first citizen of the Town. In their Civic Role the Mayor meets with individuals and communities to honour them for the contribution to the life of the town and to promote civic pride.

The Mayor can be a member or patron, ex officio, of any number of organisations. The role of Mayor is distinct from that of Councillor and the Mayor acts in a non-political manner when carrying out the civic role.

The Deputy Mayor will attend functions when the Mayor is unable to do so.


The Mayor also chairs meetings of the Full Council so that its business can be carried out efficiently, with regard to the rights of Councillors and the interests of the community.

The Mayor upholds and interprets the Standing Orders of the Council and ensures that the Council meeting is a forum for the debate of matters of concern to the local community. It is good practice for the chairman to refer to the clerk for advice.

If the Mayor is present at the meeting he or she must preside. If the Mayor is not present, then the Deputy Mayor can preside if chosen to do so by the meeting.

It is the duty of the Mayor to ensure that Council meetings are conducted in a seemly manner and in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972 and Council Standing Orders.


When communicating with the town mayor, either in writing or in person, the correct mode of address if ‘Mr Town Mayor’, unless the office is held by a lady who may prefer to be known as ‘Madam Town Mayor’.

The chain of office is worn on formal and civic occasions, such as attending church, presenting awards, performing opening ceremonies or welcoming visitors to the Town.


The Kidsgrove Town Mayor for the current year in office is Cllr Kevin Johnson.

The Deputy Mayor of Kidsgrove for the current year in office is Cllr Jill Waring.