
Agenda – Full Council 16th June 2022

AgendasFull Council Agendas Uploaded on June 12, 2022

Business to be transacted.

1.       Apologies for Absence:

To receive apologies from absence. Note apologies must be sent to the Proper Officer before the start of the meeting.

2.       Declarations of Interest:

To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and pecuniary interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.

3.       Public Participation:

A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments.

4.       To receive and resolve to approve the minutes of the Annual Council Meeting held on the 19th May 2022.

Draft minutes circulated with the agenda and available on the website.

5.       To receive and note the following draft minutes of Committee Meetings not previously presented to Council and to be circulated as a committee minutes pack.

a.       Approved minutes of the Staffing Committee held on the 14th March 2022.

b.       Draft minutes of the Events and Community Committee Meeting of the 28th April 2022.

c.       Draft minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Meeting held on the 6th June 2022.

6.       Finances:

a.      To receive the end of year accounts dated 31st March 2022, including the accounting statements, and to receive any comments.

Documents are circulated with the agenda. Note that completion and approval of the Annual Governance Statement will be required by Council upon completion of the Internal Audit but prior to the end of June 2022.

b.      To receive the asset register dated 31st March 2022 approved by the Finance and General Purposes Committee on the 6th June 2022.

Copy available on the website and circulated with the agenda.

7.       Audits 2021-2022

a.      To receive an update on the internal audit from the Clerk/RFO.

b.      To receive an update on the external audit (Mazars) from the Clerk/RFO.

8.       Code of Conduct

To review and approve the Code of Conduct dated May 2022. (Circulated and available on the website.)

9.       Grant Policy

To approve the revised grants policy as recommended by the Finance and General Purposes Committee. (Circulated with the agenda.)

10.   Grant Applications (Information circulated with the agenda)

a.      Large Grant scheme – Rotary Corps:

To consider and approve the recommendation of the F&GP Committee to set aside £1000 of the 2022-23 budgeted grant money towards the funding of a van to be payable once Rotary have sourced the further money required. To agree to delegate any further decisions regarding paying the £1000 grant to the Finance and General Purposes Committee.

b.      Large Grant Scheme – Kidsgrove Lads and Dads:

To consider and approve the recommendation of the F&GP committee to approve a grant of £1000 to Kidsgrove Lads and Dads.

c.       Large Grant Scheme – Staffordshire Clubs for Young People:

To consider and approve the recommendation of the F&GP committee to approve a grant of £1000 to Staffordshire Clubs for Young People.

11. To receive any feedback from the Town Council’s representatives on other bodies:

Note – These are information items only although questions from members are permitted.

1. Staffordshire County Council (Cllrs Burnett and J Waring)

2. NULBC (all Borough Councillors present)

3. Kidsgrove LAP (Cllr J Waring)

4. Talke and Butt Lane LAP (D Allport)

5. Go Kidsgrove (Cllr P Waring)

6. Kidsgrove Leisure Centre Group (Cllr G Burnett)

7. Talke Mining Memorial Group

8. Town Deal Board (Cllr P Waring)

9. Kidsgrove Rotary (Cllr Dickens)

10. Royal British Legion (Cllr Dymond)

12.   To receive any Mayor’s items, Clerk’s reports and correspondence received.

13.   To agree the date and time of the next meeting: To be agreed.

Matters to be considered with the Press and Public Excluded:

14.   Exclusion of press and public:

To resolve under 1960 (Admission to meetings) Act to exclude the press and public due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.

15.   To receive an update verbal report from Cllr P Waring regarding the Town Deal Board plans and proposed future Town Council involvement.

16.   To receive an update from the Staffing Committee on the resignation of the Clerk and to agree the proposed recruitment program.