Business to be transacted
1. To receive nominations for and to elect a chair for the committee.
2. To receive nominations for and to elect a vice-chair for the committee.
3. To receive apologies for absence.
4. To receive declarations of Members’ Interests.
5. To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Thursday 21st April 2022. (Circulated and available on the website)
6. Public Participation.
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments. (No individual to speak for more than 3 minutes without the permission of the chairman).
7. Matters arising not covered elsewhere (updates only):
a. Allotment Fencing.
b. Telephone Box Oldcott Road.
8. To review the Terms of Reference for the Committee and to agree any changes for recommendation to Full Council.
The current Terms of Reference are shown in appendix 1.
9. To discuss and agree a committee meeting requirement and frequency for inclusion in the Council’s meeting schedule.
10. To receive a budget update for the committee.
To receive a budget review for the committee for the 2022-2023 financial year.
11. To receive a list of current projects for the committee. To discuss and agree a plan.
A list of all current and planned projects to be reviewed to allow prioritisation.
12. Allotment updates:
a. Allotments – General
To include further consideration of plans for an allotments event in the Victoria Hall.
b. To receive a verbal update from the Clerk and Allotment Manager– Crown Bank.
c. To receive a verbal update from the clerk and Allotment manager – Lamb Street.
13. Green Spaces/Play Areas – To receive an update and to consider and agree any further actions.
14. Parish baskets and planting: To receive a verbal update on the progression of planting previously agreed and to consider any new locations.
15. Parish bench provision: To receive a verbal update on progress regarding permissions in the proposed locations. To agree any actions going forward and to authorise any required expenditure.
16. Ranger Report: To receive a verbal update from the Clerk on the Ranger’s work and to agree any actions if required.
17. To receive any information items or correspondence received from the chair, clerk or members. (Note – strictly information only.)
18. Future Key Agenda Items
- Toilet provision at the allotment sites
- Livestock policies for the allotments
- Lighting in Bathpool Park.