Kidsgrove Town Council are pleased to announce that our new website is now live. We hope that our residents will find it a big improvement on the previous site. We do ask for some patience whilst we populate all the pages.
We plan to keep the site very much ‘live’ with regular updates. The details of all our meetings will be available along with agendas and minutes. Other Town Council news will be posted, in particular details of our events that we organise within the community often in partnership with the area’s Community Groups.
As well as the website, the Town Council maintains a Facebook page (see the box to the right for a link).
If anyone would like to sign up to receive periodic emails containing the Council’s news and details of events please use the link at the bottom of the page to sign up. These emails may sometimes include events organised by other organisations in Kidsgrove.
We plan to have a page in each edition of Kidsgrove News in the future to assist those with either no or limited internet access.