New Borough Mayor is announced

The new Mayor of Newcastle-under-Lyme has been announced.
Cllr. Barry Panter is taking on the historic role for the forthcoming municipal year.
The Loggerheads councillor was invested with the chains of office at last night’s Annual Council meeting as several family members looked on.
The Mayor – a ceremonial position which dates back to 1318 in Newcastle-under-Lyme – represents the borough at hundreds of community and civic events; raises money for their chosen charities and also chairs Full Council meetings, holding the casting vote.
It’s the first time as “first citizen of the borough” for Cllr. Panter, who enjoyed a career with the Royal Air Force as a young man before going on to complete 23 years of service as a police officer for South Wales Police. Concerned by his lack of formal qualifications, he gained a degree in politics and social policy at the age of 28.
The Mayor’s chosen charities are Headway North Staffs – which provides rehabilitation and support services to adults with a brain injury – and the Salvation Army in Chesterton. The music fan, who enjoys listening to Fleetwood Mac, The Rolling Stones and The Who, already has a couple of music-based fundraising events in the pipeline including a Northern Soul night in Knutton on 13 July.
Cllr. Panter lives in Madeley with wife Beatrice who is Mayoress. He collects model police cars and is an ardent bibliophile: Charles Dickens being a particular favourite.
The father of two, who was born in Bedfordshire, said:
I’m really pleased, and a little nervous, to be the new Mayor of Newcastle-under-Lyme. The reality of it didn’t hit me until last night. Everyone has their own way of doing things; I’ve got my own ideas – and I’ve definitely learned a lot during my time as Deputy Mayor – but it’s been great to have the support of the outgoing Mayor who has been a good tutor and provided me with lots of useful advice. I’ll look, listen and learn.
I’m looking forward to getting out and about, meeting lots of different people; promoting the borough and Mayoralty to the best of my abilities and raising lots of money for my charities who do a lot of valuable work in the community.”
The new Deputy Mayor is Cllr. Robert Bettley-Smith.
Retiring Mayor Simon White has raised funds for his chosen charities, The Academy for Theatre Arts and We Love Newcastle.