Minutes of the Meeting held on
Monday 6th June 2022 7:30pm
Meeting held in the Victoria Hall, Kidsgrove.
The meeting opened at 7:30pm.
FPG/21-22/9/1 Present
Cllr P Waring, Cllr M Maxfield, Cllr D Grocott, Cllr M Stubbs, Cllr L Skelding, A Gould
Clerk to the Council – Sue Davies
FPG/21-22/9/2 To receive and consider apologies for absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr K Johnson.
FPG/21-22/9/3 To note declarations of Member’s Interests
None received.
FPG/21-22/9/4 To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 12th April 2022.
The committee resolved to approve the minutes of the meeting on Tuesday 12th April 2022.
FPG/21-22/9/5 Public Participation (A period of not exceeding 15 minutes for the press or public to make comments.)
None present.
FPG/21-22/9/6 Matters Arising: Updates only on items outstanding not otherwise on the agenda or currently requiring further actions agreeing or decisions.
a) Bank Mandates
The clerk reported that the bank mandate changes are progressing. The NSI mandate has been sent off. Members need to provide their details to allow progression of the Unity mandate changes.
b) Defibrillator installation
The Clerk informed that one defibrillator has arrived, and another is on order with the intended locations being Kidsgrove Sports Centre and one at the One Sure site in Butt Lane.
c) Dementia Friendly Kidsgrove
The Clerk was asked to progress a meeting of this group.
d) Council Contracts
The clerk reported that completion of this document is still outstanding.
FPG/21-22/9/7 Finance: To receive the bank statements and reconciliations dated 31st March 2022.
The committee received and noted the bank reconciliations dated 31st March 2022. There were no comments raised.
FPG/21-22/9/8 Grant Application Form and Policy.
The committee reviewed the grant application policy and resolved to add a clause to stipulate that the maximum grant that can be applied for be £1000 unless exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated.
FPG/21-22/9/9 Grant Applications:
a) Large Grant scheme – Rotary Corps:
The committee resolved to recommend to Full Council that £1000 be allocated towards the provision of a Rotary Bus to help the Food Hub, once it can be demonstrated that the residual money required is available..
b) Large Grant Scheme – Tommy Lowe – Golden Gloves
The Clerk informed that there is nothing more to report at present. Is was agreed to take no further action on this until a renewed application is received.
c) Large Grant Scheme – Kidsgrove Lads and Dads:
To committee resolved to recommend to Full Council that £1000 be allocated to Kidsgrove Lads and Dads.
d) Large Grant Scheme – Staffordshire Clubs for Young People:
To committee resolved to recommend to Full Council that £1000 be allocated to Staffordshire Clubs for Young people.
e) Small Grant Scheme – Eternity Entertainment
The committee resolved to approve the grant request of £1000 received from Eternity Entertainment.
FPG/21-22/9/10 Asset register: To approve the asset register dated 31st March 2022.
The committee resolved to agree to approve the asset register. It was noted that due to a calculation error in the spreadsheet that was found, the previous year’s figures will need restating.
FPG/21-22/9/11 Victoria Hall Issues
The Clerk provided an update – see appendix 1.
The following was agreed:
- That with regards to the bar boiler, the decision be delegated to the Clerk in consultation with the chair, Cllr P Waring and facilities officer.
- That with regards to the clock tower ladder, that further quotes be sought before agreeing to proceed.
FPG/21-22/9/12 Policy List
This item was deferred.
FPG/21-22/9/13 Committee Plan.
This item was deferred
FPG/21-22/9/14 Clerk’s and Chair’s Reports
No items raised.
FPG/21-22/9/15 To agree and note the date and time of the next meeting: 13th July 2022, 7:30pm
Matters to be considered with the Press and Public Excluded: Exclusion of press and public: To resolve under 1960 (Admission to meetings) Act to exclude the press and public due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.
FPG/21-22/9/16 Town Deal Issues in relation to the Town Council.
Cllr Waring provided an update. A letter is to be submitted to formalize the Town Council’s request.
The meeting closed: 8:50 pm