Business to be transacted
1. To receive apologies for absence.
2. To receive and note any declarations of Members’ Interests.
To receive declarations of personal, prejudicial and pecuniary interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.
3. To receive and confirm the minutes of the meeting held on Monday, 6th June 2022.
Draft minutes of the meeting of the 6th June 2022 are available on the website and have been circulated with the agenda.
4. Public Participation.
A period of up to 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments in respect of the business of the agenda.
5. Matters Arising:
Updates only from the Clerk/RFO on items outstanding not otherwise on the agenda or not currently requiring further actions agreeing to include:
a. Bank Mandates
To receive and note progress on the mandate changes agreed at the Annual Meeting of the 19th May 2022.
b. Defibrillator Installation
To receive an update on the defibrillator provision in the Parish.
c. Dementia Friendly Kidsgrove
To note the office will progress a meeting of this task group.
d. Council Contracts
To receive a progress update on the ‘live’ document being produced to monitor contracts and agreements.
6. Terms of Reference:
To review the Terms of Reference for the Committee.
7. Committee Plan:
To receive and consider the committee’s current projects and their inclusion into a forward plan.
8. Finance: (Reports circulated separately)
a. To receive bank reconciliations and bank statements dated 30th April 2022.
b. To receive bank reconciliations and bank statements dated 31st May 2022.
c. To receive bank reconciliations and bank statements dated 30th June 2022.
d. To approve payments made, or to be made.
e. To receive a quarter 1 budget report.
9. Victoria Hall Issues:
To receive an update from the Clerk.
10. Policy List:
To receive an updated list of Town Council policies and to review and agree review dates.
11. Reports – Information only and related to the committee:
a. Members Items.
b. Clerk’s Items.
c. Chair’s Items.
12. Date of next meeting: To be confirmed.
13. Matters to be considered with the Press and Public Excluded: Exclusion of press and public: To resolve under 1960 (Admission to meetings) Act to exclude the press and public due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.
14. Town Deal Issues in relation to the Town Council:
To receive an update and to agree any actions.