Minutes of the meeting held 7th July 2022, 7:00pm at The Victoria Hall
EC/22-23/1/1 Present
Cllr C Skelding, Cllr D Allport, Cllr C Duffy, Cllr S Dymond, Cllr S Gallimore, Cllr S Jones, Cllr K Johnson (ex officio)
In attendance: S Davies – Clerk, E Norton – Assistant Clerk
Three members of the public present including Sue Oakley Dunn who was co-opted onto the Committee during the meeting.
It was agreed that Cllr K Johnson as deputy mayor open the meeting.
EC/22-23/1/2 To receive nominations for and to elect a chair for the committee.
Cllr C Skelding and Cllr S Dymond both received nominations and seconders to be Chair of the Events and Community Committee for the year 2022 – 2023. Cllr C Skelding was elected by majority show of hand to be Chair of the Events and Community Committee for the year 2022 – 2023.
Cllr C Skelding took over as chair of the meeting.
EC/22-23/1/3 To receive nominations for and to elect a vice-chair for the committee.
Cllr S Dymond and Cllr S Jones were nominated and seconded to be Vice Chair of the Events and Community Committee for the year 2022 – 2023. Cllr S Dymond was elected as Vice Chair of the Events and Community Committee for the year 2022 –2023.
EC/22-23/1/4 To receive apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs M Maxfield, G Burnett and A Wood.
EC/22-23/1/5 To note declarations of Members Interests
None declared.
EC/22-23/1/6 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 28th April 2022.
The minutes of the meeting held on the 28th April 2022 were approved as an accurate record.
EC/22-23/1/7 Public Participation (A period of not exceeding 15 minutes for the press or public to make comments.
No members of the public present wished to speak.
EC/22-23/1/8 To receive nominations for and to consider and agree non-Councillor appointments to the Events and Community Committee for 2022-2023
Nominations were received for J Locke (GO Kidsgrove), S Oakley Dunn (GO Kidsgrove) and D Coffey (Rotary Hub). It was agreed to appoint all 3 nominations as non-Councillor members of the Events and Community Committee for the year 2022 –2023.
EC/22-23/1/9 Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
No other matters to discuss, that are not already covered on the agenda.
EC/22-23/1/10 To review the Terms of Reference for the committee and to agree any changes for recommendation to Full Council
The committee reviewed the Terms of Reference and agreed no changes were required.
EC/22-23/1/11 To discuss and agree a committee meeting requirement and frequency for inclusion in the Council’s meeting schedule.
The Clerk advised the meeting schedule for all committees was currently being finalised with the Mayor. Discussions were had regarding the events throughout the year and to ensure a meeting is scheduled with enough time to finalise any details. It was agreed that the Clerk bring the final meeting schedule back to the next meeting.
EC/22-23/1/12 To receive a budget update for the committee.
Copies of the budget were circulated showing the items related to the Events Committee and the Clerk explained the items already budgeted for the Committee.
EC/22-23/1/13 To review the committee’s plan for inclusion into the Council plan.
A committee plan was received and discussed and would continue to be updated and referred to at each meeting.
EC/22-23/1/14 Queen’s Platinum Jubilee – to receive and discuss an event resume, including money raised for the Mayor’s Charities at the Town Hall Concert.
It was agreed The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations were a great success, and a great example of all community groups and partners of Kidsgrove Town Council working together to cater for as many residents as possible across the parish.
Cllr Dymond advised that over 1000 people attended the free event in Clough Hall Park. The Clerk reiterated there was a great turnout of people attending the concert at the Town Hall and Beacon lighting events at Talke Pits, Kidsgrove town centre and Tri-services, Harriseahead, whilst keeping costs low.
The concert at the Town Hall raised £315 and the stalls at picnic in the park raised £145 both towards the Mayor’s Charities.
EC/22-23/1/15 Christmas Town Decorations:
The Clerk advised the committee on previous agreement that the Christmas Light provision should be going out to tender. This had also subsequently been raised by the internal auditor. It was agreed to invite companies, including the current one, to quote for the existing Christmas Lights plans, and then consider additional plans. As the outgoing Clerk is on reduced hours it was suggested this project be taken on by the new clerk.
EC/22-23/1/16 Christmas Events:
a) Date for the Light Switch-on and Christmas Market:
The date of 26th November was agreed, pending a check on other local events happening in the area.
b) Pantomime 2022
The Clerk updated the committee that the Pantomime for 2022 will be ‘Robin Hood’. The event relies on volunteers and the Clerk requested Councillors to come forward with their availability for the day.
EC/22-23/1/17 Mayor Support and Charity Events:
a) To receive a statement of accounts for the 2021-2022 civic year and to note the amounts payable to each of the named Charities.
The summary of accounts was received, and the total amount raised by the outgoing Mayor was £2019.66. This was divided between the following 3 charities as stated below.
Kidsgrove Lads and Dads £1500.00
Staffordshire Sexual Health £400.00
The Lyme Trust £119.66
b) To receive a general update summary from the Mayor on the Mayor’s functions.
The mayor was not present to provide an update.
EC/22-23/1/18 To receive an update on the re-implementation of markets into Kidsgrove and to agree any actions.
S Oakley Dunn provided an update from the investigations GO Kidsgrove have been doing with a local artisan market organisation. It was agreed to create a task group of Cllr Skelding, Cllr Dymond and S Oakley Dunn to continue to work on this.
EC/22-23/1/19 To consider and agree potential further events (suggested at the last meeting or raised since) for 2022 or subsequent years including any actions required prior to the next meeting.
a. Barge Markets – to put on the agenda for the next meeting.
b. ‘Kidsgrove by the Sea’ – to put on the agenda for the next meeting.
c. Barn Dance – to put on the agenda for the next meeting as a potential Mayor event.
d. 80s night – no discussions at this time
e. Wrestling and Boxing Nights – it was noted to remove this suggestion.
f. Interschools Sports Day – no discussions at this time
g. Any further suggestions – to bring to next meeting.
EC/22-23/1/20 To receive any items from the Chair or Clerk.
There were no further items discussed.
EC/22-23/1/21 To agree the time of the next meeting: TBC
The meeting concluded at 7.55pm.