Business to be transacted
1. To receive nominations for and to elect a chair for the committee.
2. To receive nominations for and to elect a vice-chair for the committee.
3. To receive apologies for absence.
4. To note declarations of Members’ interests.
5. To approve the minutes of the meeting held on the 28th April 2022.
Circulated and available on the website.
6. Public Participation
A period not exceeding 15 minutes for members of the public to ask questions or submit comments in respect of the business of the agenda. (No individual to speak for more than 2 minutes without the permission of the chairman).
7. To receive nominations for and to consider and agree non-Councillor appointments to the Events and Community Committee for 2022-2023.
8. Matters arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda.
9. To review the Terms of Reference for the Committee and to agree any changes for recommendation to Full Council.
The current Terms of Reference are shown in Appendix 1
10. To discuss and agree a committee meeting requirement and frequency for inclusion in the Council’s meeting schedule.
11. To receive a budget update for the committee.
To receive and discuss the budget available for the committee for the 2022-2023 financial year.
12. To review the committee’s plan for inclusion into the Council plan.
To receive a draft plan for discussion and comment.
13. Queen’s platinum jubilee – to receive and discuss an event resume, including money raised for the Mayor’s Charities at the Town Hall Concert.
14. Christmas Town Decorations:
To consider and agree the way forward to tender the Christmas Lights provision. To also consider further locations.
15. Christmas Events:
a) Date for the Light Switch on and Christmas Market:
To agree the date for the Christmas-Light switch on to enable the office to start to advertise for stall holders. The current proposed date is Saturday, 26th November.
To consider any other actions required before the next meeting.
b) Pantomime 2022
That Touring Pantos have been booked and a deposit paid to perform on Boxing Day.
16. Mayor Support and Charity Events:
a) To receive a statement of accounts for the 2021-2022 Mayoral fundraising year and to note the amounts payable to each of the named charities.
The Mayor’s account payout for the 2021-2022 civic year is shown in appendix 2
b) To receive a general update summary from the Mayor on the Mayor’s functions.
To receive an update on the Mayor’s charity fundraising and to discuss options and support for future events.
17. To receive an update on the re-implementation of markets into Kidsgrove and to agree any actions.
18. To consider and agree potential further events for potential inclusion on future agendas.
- Barge Markets
- ‘Kidsgrove by the Sea’
- Barn Dance
- 80s night
- Wrestling and Boxing Nights
- Interschools Sports Day
- Any further suggestions
19. To receive any items from the Chair or Clerk.
20. To agree the date and time of the next meeting: